3 Quotes & Sayings By Holly Martin

Born in England, Holly Martin grew up in South Africa, and studied at the University of Cape Town. She moved to the United States in 1987, and has lived in Oregon since 2000. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of Cape Town, and a Masters in Creative Writing from Oregon State University. A former journalist, she now writes for magazines and online publications Read more

Her short stories have been published in literary journals including "The Southern Review," "The Colorado Review," and "TriQuarterly."

Some beauty is fleeting, some lasts a lifetime.
Some beauty is fleeting, some lasts a lifetime. Holly Martin
Life is short and precious and we never know what is around the corner. So you live for now, seize every moment that comes your way and if you're going to look back on your life with regret, it's easier to regret the things that you did do, rather than the things you didn't Holly Martin